展会信息2016泰国皇家骨科医师及东盟骨科学会RCOST 10月6号-8号,展位号待定 2016,Oct.6th-8th,2016 Thailand-RCOST&AOA, Booth Number:Pending The Royal College of Orthopaedic Surgeons of Thailand and ASEAN Orthopaedic Association Combined Meeting 2016
2016土耳其骨科及创伤学会TOTBID 10月25日-30日,展位号待定 2016,Oct.25th-30th ,2016 Turkish, Booth Number:Pending TOTBID: 26th Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedic and Traumatology
2016德国MEDICA 11.14-17.展位号71B04-5 2016,Nov.14th-17th, Germany MEDICA, Booth Number: 71B04-5
2017迪拜Arab Health 1.30-2.2 展位号H8.A16 2017,Jan.30th-Feb.2nd,Dubai Arab Health, Booth Number: H8.A16
COA 11.18-20,展位号待定 COA Nov.18th-20th, Booth Number:Pending |